Beginning of Drama
#THE_BEGINNING_OF #DRAMA The English drama was brought to England by the Romans.the drama was chosen to educate the masses about various religious happenings. The drama originated to depict biblical scenes as most people could not understand the bible which was written in Latin .So,plays ( without dialogues or costumes) were performed in churches on special occasions. Drama or a play is an adaptation to entertain the crowd in Greek, Roman and Indian civilizations. Gradually, it spread to other parts of the world and has become a major genre in literature. Romans influence over the English is predominant, when it comes to the development and rise of English drama. The introduction of Christianity and Latin language made it necessary for people to understand the Bible in Latin. However, education of noble languages like Latin was confined only to the nobles and members of the Church. This has led to the development of preliminary drama, which was in control of the Churc...